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Correctly profiled footbeds that fully support the foot, improving stance, balance and confidence.

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Developed by

UK Biomechanics

Experts at

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Insoles for Tennis Shoes


Tennis represents a stern test for the lower limb, with running, jumping, rapid direction changes and lots of sudden starts and stops – all on hard surfaces.







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Arch Support


Tennis shoes, as with most footwear, usually lack adequate arch support which can quickly lead to a range of pronation related conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints and Achilles Tendonitis.


The foot is perfectly capable of dealing with various stresses of playing tennis, but there is a range of movement outside which it cannot operate effectively.


The Salford Insole


The Salford Insole is in widespread use among elite athletes across the world of sport. Supporting the foot and aligning the foot, ankle and knee, allows the lower limb to deal naturally with the stresses of tennis.


The professional’s choice.


It has a lifetime guarantee, is machine washable and will work consistently, indefinitely.


Use them with confidence.


Flat, soft insoles that do not support the foot will be ineffective.


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Established clinical brand

Support feet in entirety

Reduce foot pain and fatigue

Prevent injury

Individual Sizes optimum fit

Machine washable

Will never need replacing!

The Salford Insole for

Tennis Shoes





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Better than any of the £300 custom made orthotics I've bought over the years!


- David, Bristol

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